Rice Hullar & Husk Separator
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Rice Hullar & Husk Separator
The KHSI Rice Huller & Husk Separator is a cutting-edge solution for the initial stage of rice milling, designed with exceptional craftsmanship to ensure superior performance. This machine efficiently husks rough paddy and separates it from the remaining grains.

Rice Hullar & Husk Separator
Capacity (Ton/Hour): 4-5 TPH
Power (KW): 4 KW
Dimensions (mm): 2300 x 1400 x 1400
KHSI Rice Huller & Husk Separator is a latest generation rice huller with very fine workmanship. This machine is suitable for the first stage of rice milling. When rough paddy is husked, it gets separated from the rest of the grains.
Automatically disengaged without foodstuff, while with foodstuff, rubber rolls gets engaged automatically. Feed gate and pressure between rubber rolls are controlled through pneumatic components.
Using the world’s renowned compact structure, smooth running, easy maintenance. Low noise and less vibrating, pressure between rubber rolls can be adjusted by pressure valve, while material flow and air volume by adjustable handle.